Saturday, June 27, 2009

Snapshots in your mind

A few months ago Angie Smith posted on her blog ( about taking mental snapshots of daily life. At that time I didn't quite get what she meant but now I do. Everyday I think about that concept and with Adlie getting bigger and doing new things everyday this has become something I often do.
What it is most of the time Adlie smiles or laughs or makes a face and I look at her sweet face and think to myself I want to remember this moment forever and you think *click* then I can close my eyes and see that "snapshot" in my mind.

Adlie is our gift from God and everyday I am so glad we have her (yes even when she is teething!). She has made us the family we have wanted to be for a long time and I have not felt this happy in a very very long time! * Thank you God for that beautiful little girl*

That is good stuff for sure.

On a different note we are putting a bid on another house Tonight and will know Monday if we got the house.

Also I have to rave about a few great Steals I got this last week! I got 2 swimsuits and a pair of shorts for $15!!!! (Old Navy of course!) I also went to Kohl's and got 2 sweet little outfits for Adlie for Florida for under $10 with tax!(one of the outfits happened to be a 3 piece hat dress and bloomers and the other was a two piece a romper and bib!!)* the 3 piece outfit is in Florida now so you will have to wait to see it when i get down there and get her in it but trust me it is to cute for words and for $4.80!*
here is one of my $4.00 steals! *it came with a bib too!

Friday at 3am we are off to the Airport to make our way to Florida! *I have never flown and omg I'm trying it for the first time with a baby(not only a baby but one who will not drink form a bottle or take a pacifier!)* We will be in Florida for a week and I am still on the fence as to weather or not to take my lappy with me * I don't know if i will even have Internet access there* But if I do I will post pictures as often as I can and if I don't be prepared for a big old post full of pictures!

My Mama may be coming Monday! I am excited I miss her and I am hoping I can talk her in to staying over night! So we are on Grammy watch in hopes we see Grammy in a few days! (if not it will be once we get home form Florida)

Also the week after we get home from Florida Adlie has another shot and then we are going up to the Niles family reunion! I am looking forward to seeing my family and having some of them meet Adlie for the first time! Uncle Jerry and Aunt Jodi!*yep that is a shout out there Jodi!I cant wait to FINALLY MEET YOU!!!*

OK well that is a pretty long random post there but Its life here in The Merritt house *Apartment*!


1 comment:

  1. Wow have I taken some mental snapshots this week. Thank you so much for praying for our sweet boy this past week. Looks like he may get to go home in the next few days. I am so thankful for my new blog friends....and plan to spend some time reading blogs one day this week...
    Remember that Tuesday night I will be drawing for the June giveaway...a $75.00 "Card Box"!
    Every comment counts for an entry. Plus in thanks for all the prayers said for my family this month...I am going to add 3 other special "surprise gifts"! So there will be 4 bloggers that get blessed this week!
