Hey Y'all! Its been a few days! We have been busy! Matt has been working I have been making TONS of bows*yes I will share them in a later post!* and chasing Adlie all over the place all while packing!
As many of you know we were due to close on our house Monday and well we have not. They needed some copies of some things so off we sent them and lets PRAY and Pray hard that we can close early next week ( our lease at our apartment is up on the 30th!!!) It is cutting it close and we have some things we want and need to get taken care of before moving our stuff over to the house. So please pray!
Adlie is now standing on her own and is walking around furniture and boxes with ease! I hope we can hold off the walking until we are unpacked at the new house but I won't be surprised if she doesn't wait. She has a mind of her own for sure. She also is set to go to the Dr for her 9 month check up on Monday. * I may move it to the following week if it works better with our move...*
She is also on such a weird sleep schedule. I am back to the sleep when she sleeps schedule... Yesterday she and I finally went to bed at 12 and for some reason she decided at 4:45am she wanted to start her day so up we got and I let her play and eat some puffs while I worked on some bows. She got tired and let me put her back to bed a little after 11:30 and we were up at 2 so I am sleeping just not normal people hours!
We went out yesterday and I got a bunch of new ribbon for my bows!! I am loving some of the big bows I have made. I also got Adlie a new pair of shoes and some leggings (in the $1 bin at target!) and a new pair of leg warmers! I will share pictures tomorrow they are just to cute for words and she is not so sure about the shoes but with it getting cooler soon she needs something on her feet instead of just socks... I also got her a new toy which doesn't happen all the time but it was a good deal and we love the Lamaze toys because they are super cute and very colorful and have lots of things for her to do with them.. I got her a little sparrow and he tweets!
Anyways I just wanted to update and I will try to post pictures tomorrow of some of my bows and Adlie in her legwarmers and shoes!
Thanks for stopping by!