Alastor turned 3 months old on Sunday. We took him for his check up on Friday he is now 11lbs 1 oz and is 23 1/2 in long. he is in the 10% for weight and 40% for length. Our Dr. said he is not worried about him because he is gaining he was just a tiny guy when he was born (5lbs 15 oz) He is in size 1 diapers (he cannot wear pampers they gave him a chemical burn!!) and is in newborn clothes and some 0-3 months. He is a very happy baby he is always smiling and cooing. His eyes are still grey/blue and and he has brown hair. He also has the sweetest set of dimples! He just started sucking his thumb and not wanting use his pacifier. He has rolled over a few times. Adlie is in love with him and so are we. here are the pictures I took of him today.
I'm a Christian, breastfeeding ,co-sleeping ,attachment parenting ,baby wearing,hugs and kisses giving ,vaccinating ,disposable diaper using ,picture taking mother of one amazing little girl Wife to the love of my life sister to the coolest sisters auntie to my beautiful niece and 3 handsome nephews and daughter to one amazing mama!!!
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